Some cultures condemn that which we want most, and create dystopian environments which reject possibilities of embracing our own humanity.
Using only one material to play with the affect of scale, I call attention to the creeping danger of normalizing litter in New York and beyond.
Destroying a year's worth of personal art projects, I express the tension between passion and logic; artistic and academic pursuits.
Found books, fishing line, hot glue, gold flakes. This symbolized a turning point for me to give up art as a full time study.
FINE ARTS (2009-12)
Role: Mixed Media Artist
Creating things keeps me excited and inspired. In my artwork, I explore personal concerns and discover threads of subconscious narratives that are unknowingly defining who I am.
Beyond the studio space, I've also been invited to paint murals in New York, design tattoos and to customize people's personal belongings.